new vps with centos 6 for tinydns secondary

yum update -y ;

vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables; #configuring iptables is an exercise for the reader
iptables-restore /etc/sysconfig/iptables;

/etc/init.d/httpd stop;
chkconfig --del httpd;

/etc/init.d/sendmail stop;
chkconfig --del sendmail;

/etc/init.d/xinetd stop;
chkconfig --del xinetd;

#install daemontools (djb does crazy things with symlinks - trust me when I say you want this package installed and built under /usr/local)
yum install gcc -y;
cd /usr/local/src;
wget wget;
tar zxf daemontools-0.76.tar.gz;
pushd admin/daemontools-0.76;
vi src/conf-cc;# append gcc line with this: -include /usr/include/errno.h ;

#install ucspi
tar zxf ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar.gz;
pushd ucspi-tcp-0.88;
vi conf-cc ;# append gcc line with this: -include /usr/include/errno.h ;
make setup check;

#install djbdns
tar zxf djbdns-1.05.tar.gz;
pushd djbdns-1.05;
vi conf-cc; # append gcc line with this: -include /usr/include/errno.h ;
make setup check;

#install a local dns server for looking up addresses
useradd -d /var/dnscache -s /bin/false dnscache;
useradd -d /var/dnscache -s /bin/false dnslog;
rm -rf /var/dnscache;
dnscache-conf dnscache dnslog /var/dnscache;

touch /var/dnscache/root/ip/;
ln -sf /var/dnscache /service/;

#update the root nameservers that dnscache above uses
yum install bind-utils -y;

/etc/init.d/named stop;
chkconfig --del named;

for file in `dig |grep|awk '{ print $5 }'`;do host $file;done|grep -v IPv6|grep -v mail|grep -v pointer|awk '{ print $4 }'|sort -n > /var/dnscache/root/servers/@ ;

#setup svscan
#this next line is for centos and variants -- ubuntu doesn't seem to have an #/etc/inittab
vi /etc/inittab # get rid of this line: SV:123456:respawn:/command/svscanboot
#the next 5 lines work on centos and kin and ubuntu and kin
echo "start on runlevel [12345]" > /etc/init/svscan.conf;
echo "respawn" >> /etc/init/svscan.conf;
echo "exec /command/svscanboot" >> /etc/init/svscan.conf;
initctl reload-configuration;
initctl start svscan;

#setup tinydns
useradd -d /var/tinydns -s /bin/false -M tinydns;
useradd -d /var/tinydns -s /bin/false -M tinylog;
tinydns-conf tinydns tinydns /var/tinydns IP;
ln -sf /var/tinydns /service/
# configure your replication
# e.g. rsync over ssh triggered from the Makefile on the primary
# exercise for the reader ...

djbdns dnscache

This is great simple way to get off of your ISP’s dns, e.g. stop them redirecting you to their search partner when you typo. And very handy if you’re working with DNS or changing webhosts, in that a quick sudo killall dnscache clears out your cache so you can see the new site right away.

#install daemontools (djb does crazy things with symlinks – trust me when I say you want this package installed and built under /usr/local)
yum install gcc
cd /usr/local/src
wget wget
tar zxf daemontools-0.76.tar.gz
pushd admin/daemontools-0.76
vi src/conf-cc # append gcc line with this: -include /usr/include/errno.h

#install ucspi
tar zxf ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar.gz
pushd ucspi-tcp-0.88
vi conf-cc # append gcc line with this: -include /usr/include/errno.h
make setup check

#install djbdns
tar zxf djbdns-1.05.tar.gz
pushd djbdns-1.05
vi conf-cc # append gcc line with this: -include /usr/include/errno.h
make setup check

#install a local dns server for looking up addresses
useradd -d /var/dnscache -s /bin/false dnscache
useradd -d /var/dnscache -s /bin/false dnslog
rm /var/dnscache/.bash*
dnscache-conf dnscache dnslog /var/dnscache
touch /var/dnscache/root/ip/
ln -sf /var/dnscache /service/

#update the root nameservers that dnscache above uses
yum install bind-utils
for file in `dig |grep|awk '{ print $5 }'`;do host $file;done|grep -v IPv6|grep -v mail|grep -v pointer|awk '{ print $4 }'|sort -n > /var/dnscache/root/servers/@

#setup svscan
# this next line is for centos and kin (ubuntu doesn’t seem to have /etc/inittab
vi /etc/inittab # get rid of this line: SV:123456:respawn:/command/svscanboot
# the next 5 lines are for both centos and kin, and for ubuntu and kin
echo " start on runlevel [12345]" > /etc/init/svscan.conf
echo "respawn" >> /etc/init/svscan.conf
echo "exec /command/svscanboot" >> /etc/init/svscan.conf
initctl reload-configuration
initctl start svscan

The above is a copy from my other post:

Others have also talked about setting up dnscache: