xenserver 7.0 based on centos 7.2

https://docs.citrix.com/content/dam/docs/en-us/xenserver/xenserver-7-0/downloads/xenserver-7-0-installation-guide.pdf states:

 The Control Domain: Also known as 'Domain0', or 'dom0', the Control Domain is a secure, privileged Linux VM (based on a CentOS 7.2 distribution) that runs the XenServer management toolstack. Besides providing XenServer management functions, the Control Domain also runs the driver stack that provides user created Virtual Machines (VMs) access to physical devices. 

apply xen server patches in bulk

download a bunch of the buggers

for file in XS*.zip;do foo=`basename -s .zip $file`; unzip $file; bar=`xe patch-upload file-name=${foo}.xsupdate`;xe patch-apply uuid=$bar host-uuid=YOUR_HOST_UUID;done

you’ll probably want to add an rm of the zip file and an rm of the xsupdate file (exercise for the reader)

This won’t work for XS70E002 and XS70E003 until you apply XS70E004 (read the release notes).

xen xcp xapi change from eth0 to eth1 (after you delete eth0 eth1 becomes eth0 orn reboot)

#get the uuid of the box you want to add the eth1 to
xe vm-list

#list the interfaces that are associated with that box
xe vif-list | grep

#get list of network-uuids to pick from (in my case there are only 2)
xe vif-list |grep network-uuid| sort -u

# make the eth1 interface
vif-create device=1 vm-uuid= network-uuid=

# plug in the eth1 interface (uuid from prior step)
xe vif-plug uuid=

# unplug the eth0 interface (uuid from step 2)
xe vif-unplug uuid=

#delete the eth0 interface (after a reboot your new eth1 will be eth0)
xe vif-destroy uuid=