psql restore from pg_dump file – invalid command \N

when searching for this error ‘invalid command \N’ when trying to restore my database from a backup I made with the following:

$ pg_dump -d foo -t bar > bar.psql

I got lots of suggestions but what I needed was to drop the darn table before restoring it …

foo=> drop table bar;

$psql < bar.psql

julia postgres libpq update example

The Julia community seems shy about posting examples of database things…

use LibPQ, Tables


conn = LibPQ.Connection("host=$server dbname=$db user=$usr password=$passwd")
sql = """select char from foo""" 

conn2 = LibPQ.Connection("host=$server dbname=$db user=$usr password=$passwd") 
sql2 = prepare(conn2, """update bar set agility = \$1 , bravery = \$2 where char = \$3""" ) 

response = execute(conn, sql) 

for row in rowtable(response)
  ag = agility(row[:char])
  br = bravery(row[:char])
  execute(sql2, (ag, br, row[:char]))