centos 6 qmail (just qmail) for local outbound email only

after you’ve already done this: http://rln.d13dns.com/2014/07/19/djbdns-dnscache/

(if you’re not interested in a djbdns dns cache do the first two parts to install daemontools and ucspi)

Install outbound only qmail smtp service to your box with the following:

cd /var/tmp/
yum install gcc gcc-c++ make patch pam-devel openssl*  wget -y 
yum install vim-common vim-enhanced autoconf automake -y
wget http://www.qmail.org/netqmail-1.06.tar.gz
tar zxf netqmail-1.06.tar.gz 
cd netqmail-1.06
mkdir -p /var/qmail/alias
groupadd nofiles
useradd -M -g nofiles -d /var/qmail/alias alias
useradd -M -g nofiles -d /var/qmail qmaild
useradd -M -g nofiles -d /var/qmail qmaill
useradd -M -g nofiles -d /var/qmail qmailp
groupadd qmail
useradd -M -g qmail -d /var/qmail qmailq
useradd -M -g qmail -d /var/qmail qmailr
useradd -M -g qmail -d /var/qmail qmails
make setup check
cat /dev/null > /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts
echo ./Mailbox >/var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery

cat > bin/qmailctl
# cut and paste contents of script from
# http://www.lifewithqmail.org/lwq.html#start-qmail

chmod 755 /var/qmail/bin/qmailctl
mkdir -p /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/log
mkdir -p /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/log

echo '#!/bin/sh' >/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/run
echo 'exec /var/qmail/rc' >>/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/run

echo '#!/bin/sh' >/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/log/run
echo 'exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail' >>/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/log/run

cat > /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run
# cut and paste contents of script from
# http://www.lifewithqmail.org/lwq.html#start-qmail

# if you get segfaults when you try to start qmail-smtpd
# you need to increase the soft limit in this file (9000000) 
# did the trick for me

# change the last line of the above script
# change the "0 smtp" to " 25"

echo 5 > /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming
chmod 644 /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming

echo '#!/bin/sh' > /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/log/run
echo 'exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/smtpd' >> /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/log/run

    chmod 755 /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/run
    chmod 755 /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/log/run
    chmod 755 /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run
    chmod 755 /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/log/run

mkdir -p /var/log/qmail/smtpd
chown qmaill /var/log/qmail /var/log/qmail/smtpd
ln -s /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send 
/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd /service
echo '127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""' >>/etc/tcp.smtp
/var/qmail/bin/qmailctl cdb

echo '#!/bin/sh' > /var/qmail/rc
echo >> /var/qmail/rc
echo '# Using stdout for logging' >> /var/qmail/rc
echo '# Using control/defaultdelivery from >> /var/qmail/rc
echo '# qmail-local to deliver messages by default >> /var/qmail/rc
echo >> /var/qmail/rc
echo 'exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" ' >> /var/qmail/rc
echo 'qmail-start "`cat /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery`"' >> /var/qmail/rc
chmod 755 /var/qmail/rc

/var/qmail/bin/qmailctl stop ;
/var/qmail/bin/qmailctl start

woe to the passive mode, woe to the active mode

#This always seems to bite me in the ass.
#dont’ forget to :
# modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp

-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 21 -m conntrack –ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 21 -m conntrack –ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 20 -m conntrack –ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
#-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 20 -m conntrack –ctstate ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –sport 1024: –dport 1024: -m conntrack –ctstate ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
#-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp –sport 1024: –dport 1024: -m conntrack –ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

xen xcp xapi change from eth0 to eth1 (after you delete eth0 eth1 becomes eth0 orn reboot)

#get the uuid of the box you want to add the eth1 to
xe vm-list

#list the interfaces that are associated with that box
xe vif-list | grep

#get list of network-uuids to pick from (in my case there are only 2)
xe vif-list |grep network-uuid| sort -u

# make the eth1 interface
vif-create device=1 vm-uuid= network-uuid=

# plug in the eth1 interface (uuid from prior step)
xe vif-plug uuid=

# unplug the eth0 interface (uuid from step 2)
xe vif-unplug uuid=

#delete the eth0 interface (after a reboot your new eth1 will be eth0)
xe vif-destroy uuid=